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What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic Medicine focuses on identifying and treating the root cause of dis-ease and illness.  Doctors train through accredited schools, completing a minimum of 4 years, studying basic sciences along with botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, IV therapy and minor office procedures, nutrition, physical medicine and Naturopathic Principles.   The six principles of Naturopathic Medicine are: First do no harm, The healing power of nature, Identify and treat the causes, Doctor as teacher, Treat the whole person and Prevention.  ​You can learn more about the profession here: AANP

Conditions Treated

  • Chronic illness

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Autoimmune

  • Chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) / Biotoxin illness

  • Acute mold toxicity

  • Gastrointestinal health

  • Pain

  • Chronic stress/ Nervous system dysregulation

  • Skin issues

  • Insomnia/ Sleep disorder

  • And more...

Initial Visit

New patient visits start at 60 minutes.  This is where you have an opportunity to share about your unique experience in this life.  How it started, how it's going, and what your goals are moving forward.  Naturopathic intakes are intensive and take into account the whole person, not just a set of symptom.  This requires a bit more time than follow up visits. 

Follow up visits

Follow up visits are generally 45 minutes, although some may require more time.  We may review labs, follow up on prior treatment plans, address new concerns, and make adjustments as needed.

Cynara Wellness is not in network with insurance, however we are happy to provide a superbill for reimbursement upon your request.

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